Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
Required |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Prod | ProductEditModel |
None. |
Init | Collection of InitialStockEditModel |
None. |
InitQTY | decimal number |
None. |
Thwh | Collection of ThWhWarningEditModel |
None. |
Ap | Collection of ProductPriceWithAPEditModel |
None. |
Unit | Collection of ProductUnitEditModel |
None. |
BusinessUsedCount | integer |
None. |
CanModifyMulUnit | boolean |
None. |
CanRepeatProdName | boolean |
None. |
LastCheckOutDate | date |
None. |
PriceType | PriceType |
None. |
ProdPrices | Collection of ProductPriceModel |
None. |
{ "Prod": { "Id": 1, "ProdNo": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "CategoryId": 4, "CategoryName": "sample string 5", "Brand": "sample string 6", "Spec": "sample string 7", "WhId": 8, "WhName": "sample string 9", "Location": "sample string 10", "UnitId": 11, "UnitName": "sample string 12", "Note": "sample string 13", "PurUnitId": 14, "SaleUnitId": 15, "StockUnitId": 16, "LowQTY": 17, "HighQTY": 18, "PricePur": 19.0, "PriceRet": 20.0, "PriceWS": 21.0, "PriceVip": 22.0, "TaxRate": 23.0, "UseMultiUnits": true, "UseThWarning": true, "UseThWhWarning": true, "UseAP": true, "UseIS": true, "Status": true, "CreateDate": "2024-11-25 01:57:52", "PurUnitName": "sample string 31", "SaleUnitName": "sample string 32", "StockUnitName": "sample string 33", "BatchEnabled": true, "SerialEnabled": true, "LifeTimeEnabled": true, "LifeTime": 37, "LifeTimeUnit": 1010, "LifeTimeUnitName": "sample string 38", "ExpDateCalMethodType": 1010, "WarningDaysAdvance": 39 }, "Init": [ { "IsId": 1, "WhId": 2, "WhName": "sample string 3", "ApId": 4, "ApNo": 5, "ApName": "sample string 6", "Amount": 7.0, "Cost": 8.0, "TotalAmount": 9.0 }, { "IsId": 1, "WhId": 2, "WhName": "sample string 3", "ApId": 4, "ApNo": 5, "ApName": "sample string 6", "Amount": 7.0, "Cost": 8.0, "TotalAmount": 9.0 } ], "InitQTY": 14.0, "Thwh": [ { "WhId": 1, "WhName": "sample string 2", "ApId": 3, "ApNo": 4, "ApName": "sample string 5", "MinAmount": 6.0, "MaxAmount": 7.0 }, { "WhId": 1, "WhName": "sample string 2", "ApId": 3, "ApNo": 4, "ApName": "sample string 5", "MinAmount": 6.0, "MaxAmount": 7.0 } ], "Ap": [ { "ApId": 1, "ApNo": 2, "ApName": "sample string 3", "HasBusiness": true, "ApStatus": 5, "APMap": [ { "AptId": 1, "ApeId": 2, "ApeName": "sample string 3" }, { "AptId": 1, "ApeId": 2, "ApeName": "sample string 3" } ] }, { "ApId": 1, "ApNo": 2, "ApName": "sample string 3", "HasBusiness": true, "ApStatus": 5, "APMap": [ { "AptId": 1, "ApeId": 2, "ApeName": "sample string 3" }, { "AptId": 1, "ApeId": 2, "ApeName": "sample string 3" } ] } ], "Unit": [ { "UnitId": 1, "UnitName": "sample string 2", "Rate": 3.0, "PriceRetail": 4.0, "PriceWholeSale": 5.0, "PriceVip": 6.0, "PricePurchase": 7.0 }, { "UnitId": 1, "UnitName": "sample string 2", "Rate": 3.0, "PriceRetail": 4.0, "PriceWholeSale": 5.0, "PriceVip": 6.0, "PricePurchase": 7.0 } ], "BusinessUsedCount": 1, "CanModifyMulUnit": false, "CanRepeatProdName": true, "LastCheckOutDate": "2024-11-25 01:57:52", "PriceType": 1010, "ProdPrices": [ { "ProdId": 1, "ApId": 2, "ApNo": 3, "UnitId": 4, "LevelId": 5, "Price": "sample string 6" }, { "ProdId": 1, "ApId": 2, "ApNo": 3, "UnitId": 4, "LevelId": 5, "Price": "sample string 6" } ] }
<ProductDetailModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Ap> <ProductPriceWithAPEditModel> <APMap> <APT_APE_Map> <ApeId>2</ApeId> <ApeName>sample string 3</ApeName> <AptId>1</AptId> </APT_APE_Map> <APT_APE_Map> <ApeId>2</ApeId> <ApeName>sample string 3</ApeName> <AptId>1</AptId> </APT_APE_Map> </APMap> <ApId>1</ApId> <ApName>sample string 3</ApName> <ApNo>2</ApNo> <ApStatus>5</ApStatus> <HasBusiness>true</HasBusiness> </ProductPriceWithAPEditModel> <ProductPriceWithAPEditModel> <APMap> <APT_APE_Map> <ApeId>2</ApeId> <ApeName>sample string 3</ApeName> <AptId>1</AptId> </APT_APE_Map> <APT_APE_Map> <ApeId>2</ApeId> <ApeName>sample string 3</ApeName> <AptId>1</AptId> </APT_APE_Map> </APMap> <ApId>1</ApId> <ApName>sample string 3</ApName> <ApNo>2</ApNo> <ApStatus>5</ApStatus> <HasBusiness>true</HasBusiness> </ProductPriceWithAPEditModel> </Ap> <BusinessUsedCount>1</BusinessUsedCount> <CanRepeatProdName>true</CanRepeatProdName> <Init> <InitialStockEditModel> <Amount>7</Amount> <ApId>4</ApId> <ApName>sample string 6</ApName> <ApNo>5</ApNo> <Cost>8</Cost> <IsId>1</IsId> <WhId>2</WhId> <WhName>sample string 3</WhName> </InitialStockEditModel> <InitialStockEditModel> <Amount>7</Amount> <ApId>4</ApId> <ApName>sample string 6</ApName> <ApNo>5</ApNo> <Cost>8</Cost> <IsId>1</IsId> <WhId>2</WhId> <WhName>sample string 3</WhName> </InitialStockEditModel> </Init> <LastCheckOutDate>2024-11-25T01:57:52.6427485+08:00</LastCheckOutDate> <PriceType>SingleUnit</PriceType> <Prod> <BatchEnabled>true</BatchEnabled> <Brand>sample string 6</Brand> <CategoryId>4</CategoryId> <CategoryName>sample string 5</CategoryName> <CreateDate>2024-11-25T01:57:52.6427485+08:00</CreateDate> <ExpDateCalMethodType>ProdDatePlusShelfLife</ExpDateCalMethodType> <HighQTY>18</HighQTY> <Id>1</Id> <LifeTime>37</LifeTime> <LifeTimeEnabled>true</LifeTimeEnabled> <LifeTimeUnit>Day</LifeTimeUnit> <LifeTimeUnitName>sample string 38</LifeTimeUnitName> <Location>sample string 10</Location> <LowQTY>17</LowQTY> <Name>sample string 3</Name> <Note>sample string 13</Note> <PricePur>19</PricePur> <PriceRet>20</PriceRet> <PriceVip>22</PriceVip> <PriceWS>21</PriceWS> <ProdNo>sample string 2</ProdNo> <PurUnitId>14</PurUnitId> <SaleUnitId>15</SaleUnitId> <SerialEnabled>true</SerialEnabled> <Spec>sample string 7</Spec> <Status>true</Status> <StockUnitId>16</StockUnitId> <TaxRate>23</TaxRate> <UnitId>11</UnitId> <UnitName>sample string 12</UnitName> <UseAP>true</UseAP> <UseIS>true</UseIS> <UseMultiUnits>true</UseMultiUnits> <UseThWarning>true</UseThWarning> <UseThWhWarning>true</UseThWhWarning> <WarningDaysAdvance>39</WarningDaysAdvance> <WhId>8</WhId> <WhName>sample string 9</WhName> </Prod> <ProdPrices xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:ProductPriceModel> <d2p1:ApId>2</d2p1:ApId> <d2p1:ApNo>3</d2p1:ApNo> <d2p1:LevelId>5</d2p1:LevelId> <d2p1:Price>sample string 6</d2p1:Price> <d2p1:ProdId>1</d2p1:ProdId> <d2p1:UnitId>4</d2p1:UnitId> </d2p1:ProductPriceModel> <d2p1:ProductPriceModel> <d2p1:ApId>2</d2p1:ApId> <d2p1:ApNo>3</d2p1:ApNo> <d2p1:LevelId>5</d2p1:LevelId> <d2p1:Price>sample string 6</d2p1:Price> <d2p1:ProdId>1</d2p1:ProdId> <d2p1:UnitId>4</d2p1:UnitId> </d2p1:ProductPriceModel> </ProdPrices> <Thwh> <ThWhWarningEditModel> <ApId>3</ApId> <ApName>sample string 5</ApName> <ApNo>4</ApNo> <MaxAmount>7</MaxAmount> <MinAmount>6</MinAmount> <WhId>1</WhId> <WhName>sample string 2</WhName> </ThWhWarningEditModel> <ThWhWarningEditModel> <ApId>3</ApId> <ApName>sample string 5</ApName> <ApNo>4</ApNo> <MaxAmount>7</MaxAmount> <MinAmount>6</MinAmount> <WhId>1</WhId> <WhName>sample string 2</WhName> </ThWhWarningEditModel> </Thwh> <Unit> <ProductUnitEditModel> <PricePurchase>7</PricePurchase> <PriceRetail>4</PriceRetail> <PriceVip>6</PriceVip> <PriceWholeSale>5</PriceWholeSale> <Rate>3</Rate> <UnitId>1</UnitId> <UnitName>sample string 2</UnitName> </ProductUnitEditModel> <ProductUnitEditModel> <PricePurchase>7</PricePurchase> <PriceRetail>4</PriceRetail> <PriceVip>6</PriceVip> <PriceWholeSale>5</PriceWholeSale> <Rate>3</Rate> <UnitId>1</UnitId> <UnitName>sample string 2</UnitName> </ProductUnitEditModel> </Unit> </ProductDetailModel>